today is Friday.....kerkerker(laugh in a geek way)
more than that!!
I though today's huge-rising in stocks led by steel is the best ending,but it turns out not like that. Actually more than that
說來話長,總之就是在3月 人還在Melbourne的我,那時我的德國朋友Stephan帶我去吃了一家很棒很棒的義式pizza店,事前還說那是他吃過最貼近義大利原味的pizza了(喔 他是德義混血)
it's a long story.Anyway,i was in Mel in March. My lazy German friend,Stephan,took me to a fantastic Italian pizza shop. He told us that would be the most original Italian-style pizza.(Yap,he is a German-Italian guy)
what he told made me drolling. so, we went to eat pizza!!
我只記得點了最低價的margherita $14.5(我們這一夥是窮鬼背包客,所以全都點18塊以內的pizza),Stephan還說gary不用擔心 這最便宜的pizza就很好吃了,他上次也是點這個吃
All i remember is that i ordered the cheapest margherita pizza,costs me $14.5. (we all r poor backpackers,so what everyone ordered were under $18)
Stephan told me that i don't have to worry about cheapness,coz it's delicious enough. He just ordered that margherita last time.
hahah 窮是不分國界的
hahah poorness is no boundaries.

是的 我找到了這menu....我不懂為何有人會放菜單到網路上,但此時我覺得非常好用
yap,i googled this menu out. I have no idea how come there's someone put this menu on the internet,but right now i feel very handy.
(feel warm)
Since then I bragged this wonderful pizza shop in Mel all the time.
But i don't know where it is....which street,which alley.
i barely remember it is near Italian street.(there's a street filled with Italian restaurant)
一直跟我嚷嚷要這家店住址的Tina,今天給了我一個線索,那街名是Lygon St.
Tina always murmurs me to get to know about the location of the shop.
Today she gave me a clue,the street name, Lygon St.
所以剛好今天康熙題目超無聊的情況下[女明星花錢養男友],我用Google Maps去melbourne逛街找pizza店了
(靠 我好熱血,..........好閒...)
By coincidence, tonight's TV show was so BORING,so i tried to take a walk to locate the pizza shop with Google Maps
(Gee, i am so fervent .....and seems i do have a plenty of time to do so)

一直在Lygon st.繞來繞去
fooling around Lygon St.

媽呀!!! 為何這牆上出現了pizza字樣!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap!! how come there's a word "Pizza" on the wall.

放大再放大 招牌,然後去google...就全部破關了
zoom in and zoom in......then google everything.....
mission complete!!!

That is the God damned delicious margherita pizza makes me drooling.
好 這家店叫作
Doc Pizza and Mozarella
它在295 Drummond St, Carlton VIC
Okay it's called Doc Pizza and Mozarella
which located at 295 Drummond St, Carlton VIC
kerkerker, today is Friday, today is such a perfect day.
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